pyramid_rules.h File Reference

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int ug::pyra_rules::CollapseEdge (int *newIndsOut, int v0, int v1)
 Creates new volume elements that result from collapsing the edge between v0 and v1 into v0. More...
template<class TCmp >
int ug::pyra_rules::ConvertToTetrahedra (int *newIndsOut, TCmp cmp)
 fills an array of integers describing tetrahedra that shall replace the pyramid More...
bool ug::pyra_rules::IsRegularRefRule (const int edgeMarks)
 returns true if the specified edgeMarks would lead to a regular refinement More...
int ug::pyra_rules::Refine (int *newIndsOut, int *newEdgeVrts, bool &newCenterOut, vector3 *, bool *isSnapPoint)


const int ug::pyra_rules::BOTTOM_EDGE_INDS [NUM_BOTTOM_EDGES] = {0, 1, 2, 3}
const int ug::pyra_rules::EDGE_FROM_VRTS [5][5]
 Associates the index of the connecting edge with each tuple of vertices. More...
const int ug::pyra_rules::EDGE_VRT_INDS [][2]
 the local vertex indices of the given edge More...
const int ug::pyra_rules::FACE_CONTAINS_EDGE [][8]
 tells whether the i-th face contains the j-th edge More...
const int ug::pyra_rules::FACE_EDGE_INDS [5][4]
 returns the j-th edge of the i-th face More...
const int ug::pyra_rules::FACE_FROM_EDGES [][8]
 given two edges, the table returns the face, which contains both (or -1) More...
const int ug::pyra_rules::FACE_FROM_VRTS [5][5][5]
 Associates the index of the connecting face with each triple of vertices. More...
const int ug::pyra_rules::FACE_VRT_INDS [][4]
 the local vertex indices of the given face More...
const int ug::pyra_rules::MAX_NUM_COLLAPSE_INDS_OUT = 5
const int ug::pyra_rules::MAX_NUM_CONVERT_TO_TETS_INDS_OUT = 10
const int ug::pyra_rules::MAX_NUM_INDS_OUT = 128
const int ug::pyra_rules::NUM_BOTTOM_EDGES = 4
const int ug::pyra_rules::NUM_EDGES = 8
const int ug::pyra_rules::NUM_FACES = 5
const int ug::pyra_rules::NUM_QUADS = 1
const int ug::pyra_rules::NUM_TOP_EDGES = 4
const int ug::pyra_rules::NUM_TRIS = 4
const int ug::pyra_rules::NUM_VERTICES = 5
const int ug::pyra_rules::OPPOSED_OBJECT [][NUM_VERTICES] = {{1, 6}, {1, 7}, {1, 4}, {1, 5}, {2, 0}}
const int ug::pyra_rules::TOP_EDGE_INDS [NUM_BOTTOM_EDGES] = {4, 5, 6, 7}
const int ug::pyra_rules::TOP_VERTEX = 4
 the pyramids top More...